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Thursday, December 25, 2008,5:41 AM
Merry Christmas!! cant believe school's gona open in like 1 week! sorry i didn post for long, lazy..
ok. so i had band camp n it was quite ok.. we were grouped up in games. at first me n jia en tot we were in the same grp since we sat beside each other*yay* so happy. but! hoho. of coz not lor... should hv known celestine would nv grp us together(dream on). th unforgettable ting is tat all of us had to wake up at 3+ a.m !! n for wad?? play games! solve riddles when im supposed to be sleeping O.o" other grp(me,jia en,cass, farhah,june) slept 1+ after much talking.. so funny! den waken by seniors saying there was fire which we didn believe.duh. so after they left we slept again.lol. in th end we dragged our feet down to the parade square n found ourselves to b th last..
yeaterday, me n few primary friends hung out watch twilight at vivo. th movie was.. ok la. some parts funny. not much difference from th book. den went plaza.. walk around.. some ice cream..more walking.. home
well..... merry x'mas~ =>
DancingColas (:
Hello! Im Silvia.
I study in Coral Secondary and im in the concert band playing the clarinet. I love my section and of course my clarinet ^^
I like eating gummy bears, gummy worms and anything related to gummies(:
Basically, i love my clique, Eline, Jia En, Cassandra and Theophilia because they never fail to make me smile. Not forgetting my bestfriends whom always make my day! Lastly, my favourite colour changes almost everyday, but blue and green are all time favourites (!)
Well, this is me. What about you?